Veniards Pinnacle Fly Tying Kit
The Zenith box has a large deep top storage section and 4 trays that slide out all with adjustable sections Designed to be strong enough to sit on, it has a convenient carry handle on top making it the perfect mobile fly tying case. The complete Pinnacle kit and box Fly Tying Kit Contents : - Marabou , Closed Cell Foam, Seals Fur Substitute, Cone Heads, Nymph & Streamer Eye, Beads, Hares Mask, Suspender Balls, Booby Eyes, Peacock Herl, Peacock Eye, Ostrich, Mallard Wings, Hen Pheasant Wings, Squirrel Tail Black, Guinea Fowl, Cul de Cunard (CDC), Teal Flank, Cock Hackles, Pearl Film, Cactus Chenille, Krystal Flash, Holographic Chenille, Magic Glass Glister, Golden Pheasant Head, Golden Pheasant Body Skin, Deer Hair, Elk Hair, Holographic Tinsel, Clear Cellire, Hooks, English Partridge, French Partridge, Goose Biots, Suede Chenille, Thin Skin, Bronze Subs, Grey Mallard Flank, Parachute Antron, Mixed Squirrel Tails, Mylar Piping, Fly Bodies, Pearl Braid, Cock Pheasant Centre Tails, Fly Tyers Wax, Fly Tying For Beginners Trout 101 Fly Dressings, Super Standard Lever Vice, Bobbin Threader, Bobbin Holder, Whip Finish Tool, Hackle pliers, Dubbing Needle, Scissors Uni Flexx, Threads, Pearl Lurex, Glo Bright Floss & Multi Yarn, Uni 2 Tone Mylar Tinsel, Rayon Floss, Lead Wire, Gold & Silver Wire